KliK International

Request Registration

with the KliK Foundation

The KliK Foundation collaborates with respected private partner organizations to identify and develop appropriate international greenhouse gas mitigation activities.

Registration process

The KliK Foundation supports greenhouse gas mitigation activities that generate ITMOs under Switzerland’s CO₂ Act, and Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. To qualify, projects must meet our eligibility criteria and obtain authorization from both the host country and Switzerland before implementation. Start your registration process here!

Eligibility Criteria

For greenhouse gas mitigation activities to qualify for support from the KliK Foundation:

  • The host country must have a bilateral climate agreement with Switzerland.

  • The activities must result in emission reductions that exceed the commitments outlined in the host country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.

  • The mitigation activities must provide clear social, environmental, and health benefits in addition to reducing emissions.

Step-by-Step Guide

To ensure your submission is processed efficiently, please follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Registration
Please fill in the registration form at the bottom of the page summarizing your envisaged mitigation activity.
Step 2: Review by KliK
KliK Foundation will review the information provided and will decide whether to engage further.
Step 3: Fill out MAIN Form
In case KliK Foundation decides to continue exploring the proposed MA, you will receive an email including the MAIN form to be filled in and providing further relevant information.
Step 4: Review and Feedback on submitted MAIN
KliK Foundation will review the submitted MAIN and provide feedback to come to a decision on whether to financially support the mitigation activity.

Request registration
Please confirm...
Organisation and personal data
Salutation *
Information about the mitigation activity
Country where the mitigation activity will be implemented*
Status of the mitigation activity*
Technology and sector of the mitigation activity*
Expected ITMO volume until 2030*

ITMO Volume *

KliK International

Our greenhouse gas mitigation activities

Here you'll find the climate change mitigation activities supported by the KliK Foundation, from green cooling and clean cooking to sustainably produced biomass and e-mobility.