At COP29, important decisions were made that are relevant to the activities of the KliK Foundation. The long-awaited adoption of Articles 6.2 and 6.4 texts form the basis for the next stage of the cooperative approach. It will encourage more parties to participate in the mechanism. Article 6 is now gaining momentum, and we hope that the adoption of these important decisions will lead to implementation of many more concrete and impactful activities.
The KliK Foundation is proud to have made an important contribution to the debate with the official COP29 Side Event on High Integrity in Article 6 Implementation and to have helped disseminate the experience of front-runner countries such as Ghana, Thailand, Senegal, Japan and Switzerland. We would like to thank all participants in the COP29 Side Event, which was jointly organised by A6IP/IGES, GEC, MOEJ, FOEN and KliK Foundation.
The panellists’ contributions were inspiring and very informative. They shared different perspectives on how they implement Article 6 activities and how they ensure high standards of integrity. The Side Event was able to highlight the diversity of approaches to the Article 6.2 cooperative approach and the legal basis for carbon markets within national frameworks.
If you missed the event, you can watch the recording here:
Official Side Event: Article 6.2 Implementation for High Integrity: Updates, Lessons and Challenges
The implementation of the cooperative approach under Article 6.2 is gaining momentum as more actors enter the space and gain experience. The side event provided an overview of the status of cooperation and current mitigation activities as well as measures for ensuring high integrity. The focus was on the reflection on challenges and lessons learned from the perspective of both acquiring and host countries as well as the private sector.
Jointly organised by A6IP/IGES, GEC, MOEJ, FOEN and KliK Foundation
Side event: Exploiting an Untapped Mitigation Potential: Options to Reduce Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Emissions in the Electricity Sector and How to Finance Them
Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) has the biggest global warming potential among all greenhouse gases, 24,000 times greater than CO2. BMWZ, giz and Perspectives Climate Group presented an important and timely new initiative to phase out SF6 in the electricity sector during their side-event.
KliK Foundation then had the opportunity to share about its strong interest in supporting mitigation activities focusing on SF6 emission reductions under Article 6.2, as well the main requirements to be able to develop such programme in one of our partner countries.
Side event: Korea and International Community’s Strategies for Cooperation on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
During an event organized by the Korean Research Institute on Climate Change (KRIC), KliK Foundation presented an overview of the Foundation’s activities around the world and then deep-dived into the Bangkok E-Bus Programme. It was the occasion to showcase a concrete example of how Switzerland, KliK Foundation and its partner country Thailand are ensuring strong additionality, high standards, environmental integrity and co-benefits when implementing Article 6.2.
Side event: Peru’s Progress on Carbon Markets Regulation
During an event organized by Peru's Ministry of Environment and IETA, the KliK Foundation provided a private sector perspective on the benefits of national carbon market regulations and frameworks for the implementation of A6.2. It highlighted that clear rules and a stable environment build the basis for investor and buyer confidence and for efficiency in the development and implementation of mitigation activities.