KliK Foundation

Activities in Switzerland


Find out all about our supported programmes in Switzerland

Activities of the KliK Foundation in Switzerland

We financially support various activities aimed at reducing greenhouse gases in Switzerland, broken down into the platforms transport, businesses, buildings and agriculture.

Our climate protection platforms

Financial support is provided by purchasing the emission reduction certificates resulting from the greenhouse gas mitigation activities. In the context of the CO₂ Act, these certificates issued by the federal government for verified emission reductions are referred to as attestations. The Foundation provides these to the Confederation as proof of its fee towards achieving the Swiss climate target. In the current decade, the KliK Foundation expects to achieve emission reductions of around 20 million tonnes of CO₂ in Switzerland.

Our reduction activities are spread across the four areas of transport, companies, buildings and agriculture. Find out all the details about programs and participation opportunities on the respective platform.



Wie lässt sich die Wirkung von Klimaschutzprojekten korrekt bilanzieren?

Fiche d'information

Comment réaliser un bilan correct de l’impact des projets de protection du climat?

Scheda informativa

Come si può contabilizzare correttamente l’efficacia dei progetti di protezione del clima?

News Switzerland


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