Key figures of the climate change mitigation activity
Senegalese municipalities and their concessionaries
In development
Integrated waste management toward a circular economy
The programme reduces greenhouse gas emissions generated by the waste sector in Senegal through the modernisation of treatment technology, capacity building and an integration of processes. To this end, the activity will create multiple links currently missing in the value chain of the sector, such as (i) recycling points, where waste will be sorted for subsequent recycling, (ii) composting facilities, for the treatment of organic waste, and (iii) landfill gas collection and usage for electricity generation.
The programme aims to streamline an integrated waste management system including optimised wells to extract landfill gas; measurement and monitoring of the extracted gas to ensure maximum electricity production; suitable power generation units; integrated leachate treatment; composting and recycling plants.
The activity will be aligned with the national strategy through the oversight of a steering committee and the guidance of a multidisciplinary technical committee representing different ministries involved in the Senegalese waste management strategy.
Cooperation under the Paris Agreement to close development gaps
Senegal is an emerging least developed country and faces many socio-economic challenges. The baseline scenario in the selected municipalities involves waste disposal on open dumpsites, from which methane is freely emitted into the atmosphere without any treatment, collection, combustion or control. These uncontrolled methane emissions also create a risk of fire and explosion as well as causing bad odours. The waste sector is currently the fourth largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Senegal.
While aligned with the national strategy and the country’s NDC targets, the programme increases ambition by going one step beyond. It aims to implement a holistic approach to the management of urban solid waste. Through cooperation under Article 6, Senegal and Switzerland are able to both increase their ambition to combat global climate change.
Improving the governance of the waste sector through capacity building
The municipalities that will implement measures under the programme are located in different regions of the country. They receive support to improve their waste management sector according to the provisions of the programme. Household waste management is mostly in the hands of local communities. Occasionally, state technical services come into play such as the department in charge of hygiene and the environment, as well as NGOs or private waste management companies. The integrated waste management system will be based on a public-private partnership.