KliK International

We buy ITMOs

in Dominica

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In accordance with the Swiss CO₂ Act, the KliK Foundation compensates abroad part of the emissions of the Swiss transport sector. For this purpose, the KliK Foundation purchases Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) generated by greenhouse gas mitigation activities implemented in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Dominica.

Submit your greenhouse gas mitigation activity idea to the KliK Foundation via this platform. Request registration to start the process. If your registration is successful, you will receive access to the KliK interface, through which you can submit your activity idea to the KliK Foundation in the form of a Mitigation Activity Idea Note (MAIN).

Greenhouse gas change mitigation activities must be authorized and implemented in accordance with the bilateral climate agreement signed by Dominica and Switzerland on 24 June 2022. They must be in line with the eligibility criteria.

You will receive financial support for the further development of your mitigation activity and authorization under the bilateral climate agreement, if your MAIN is accepted. The KliK Foundation intends to enter into a Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreement (MOPA) for the purchase of the ITMOs to be generated by the activity until the end of 2030 at a fixed price.

Participation process

Would you like to implement a mitigation activity to cut greenhouse gas emissions in Dominica? Learn how the KliK Foundation financially supports greenhouse gas mitigation activities.

Supported activities

Find the greenhouse gas mitigation activities in Dominica supported by the KliK Foundation here. From green cooling to clean cooking, sustainably produced biomass and e-mobility.
Ursula Flossmann-Kraus, PhD
Director Carbon Procurement

Contact request

Which of our programmes are you interested in (multiple selection possible)?
How did you become aware of us?

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN

FOEN is the government agency in Switzerland that is responsible for negotiating the bilateral climate agreement. There you can find background information on the compensation obligations of the KliK Foundation.

Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation and Kalinago Upliftment, MERMKU

The Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU) of the Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation and Kalinago Upliftment, was established by Cabinet Decision in 1999, to coordinate environmental activities in Dominica

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